Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 with iris scanner and new interface? – TechTastic

The Galaxy Note 6 will not be announced this year, because the company has decided to withdraw as the numbering Note line from the Galaxy to the next flagship Galaxy S7 series. There’s been a lot of information published in recent weeks about the features of the Galaxy Note 7 and one is the iris scanner that can verify the identity of a user’s mobile payments or unlock the phone.

There have been going for the arrival of the Galaxy S4 rumors that Samsung might have plans to introduce an iris scanner for smartphones, but this year it seems technology is finally ready for. The company introduced namely the end of May, the Galaxy Tab Iris, a cheap tablet for India with a built-in iris scanner. In addition, there was discovered a patent application from Samsung by Patently Mobile, which we somewhat have an idea how the technology works in practice.

The patent describes a system that uses multiple cameras to the eyes and face of the user are set. It then uses three lenses to check that the iris is scanned matches the previously captured images. Infrared rays are directed to the eyes, so that the iris scanner can also be used in less than perfect conditions. The various lenses would also be responsible for ensuring that the eye can be verified in virtually all positions. You have the Galaxy Note 7 probably not very short to keep your eyes.

Furthermore, the patent suggests that Samsung not only your iris used to identify the user, but also face recognition is applied. The combination of the two seems to be the ideal solution, because the phone for sure can rule that no photo is taken for the camera.

TouchWiz Grace UX

In addition, published there is also a video of a new version of the infamous TouchWiz interface of Samsung. This new version seems to bring a more serious look compared to the still dominating colors of the current version. In the video we see how widgets are placed on the screen, how do you choose from various themes and how you can switch between different backgrounds. Samsung seems different apps also have a new look. The new MOT can be found from the Grace UX on the XDA Developers site.

The expectation is that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be announced in early August and two to three weeks will be released later. No interest is a phablet? The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are from 599.00 euro for sale with a free 64GB memory from Samsung: KPN, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Tele2, Cool Blue, Belsimpel, Mobiel.nl, Media Markt and GSMWijzer



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