Samsung has announced that the Sunday night the results will be parts of the own research into the problems around the Galaxy Note 7. Also, external companies will during the press conference the results tell of their investigations.
The press conference will take place in the South Korean capital Seoul, and will begin at two o’clock Dutch time. Not only is Samsung on the problems with the Note 7, but Samsung wants to be at the meeting also showed the steps it has taken to prevent the re-error, says the South Korean manufacturer. There is no url of the stream.
With the clarify of why the with the samsung Galaxy S8 not re-might go wrong will Samsung the confidence of consumers likely to regain. The S8 is probably going to be this spring in the sale. There are rumours about a release of the phone in april.
There were already speculations about the conclusions of Samsung. A rumor Monday claimed that it was the batteries themselves and not to the design of the phone or the software. That rumor is now the more reliable, because that also mentioned that Samsung next Monday would hold a press conference about the Note 7; that appears now to be correct.
The Note 7 came out in August from ten countries, including the United States and South Korea. The phone seemed to be in relatively many cases, the flame to catch. Samsung took the device back and swapped it for new, “safe” copies. These turned out to be susceptible to the same problems. Then stopped the manufacturer the production and sales of the phone final, on the day that he would come out in the Benelux.
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