a survey from research firm IDC shows that up to half of the owners of the Galaxy Note 7 will switch to an iPhone. And that while already a big part of that, owners have opted for a Galaxy S7 as the replacement model.
After a launch full of problems Samsung has chosen the power cord from the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to attract. And that is a lot of customers of the company not to, according to a survey from research firm IDC. Approximately half of the respondents will be the Note 7 to go exchange it for a Apple iPhone. This is at odds with the news that a large part of the customers of the American telecom operator Sprint for a Galaxy S7 have chosen to use as the replacement model of the Note.
Also has a different research company, BayStreet, predicted that about seventy percent of the owners of the Galaxy Note 7 would opt for a Galaxy S7. The survey was held on 17 and 18 October, four days after production of the device was shut down. Also adds the agency followed it.
The survey focused on three groups of consumers: current Samsung smartphone owners (507), fits Samsung smartphone owners (347), and smartphone owners who have never owned the Samsung brand (228). Due to the limited installed base, just 24 Note 7 users were captured in the survey; as such, data in those questions should be viewed as directional only.
in Addition, the survey showed that seventeen percent of Note 7-owners for a another Samsung device will choose. Also, it is evident that consumers still have other products of the company, such as tv’s or computers, would buy.