Friday, October 14, 2016

250 stores hacked; Samsung stop Note 7 – Sprout


1. 250 Dutch merchants have been hacked

Worldwide, more than 5900 online stores so hacked, that criminals have the credit card information can steal if you buy. At least 250 Dutch webshops is that also the case, according to the Dutch beveiligingsonderzoeker Willem de Groot. There are no big names such as or Business, but The Big calls, and The criminals add a code to the site to copy the data. That is thanks to a vulnerability in the popular webwinkelsoftware of Magento that long poem. Entrepreneurs that the security update will not install, the target.

2. MKB-Nederland wants separate rules for small businesses

The government needs small businesses treated differently than larger firms, and they no longer bother with rules that are ‘unworkable’. Previously pleaded chairman Michaël van Straalen of MKB-Nederland Tuesday at a conference. He wants to start with labour law: the current system prevents entrepreneurs people in to join the service by ingwikkelde procdures in the ontslagstelsel. The offer of a separate treatment would, according to Van Straalen good for the economy, because the entrepreneurs more air.

3. RIP Samsung Note 7

It has happened: Samsung pulling the plug out of his flammable Note 7 phablet. That made the South Korean company on Tuesday announced after Samsung previously reported the production of the device for safety reasons to temporarily cease. In the Netherlands, was the launch of the phone is already delayed because of the ongoing investigation into new problems with the device. That verkoopstop is therefore now final. The drama with the Note 7 will cost the Koreans certainly billions, according to analysts, up to 5 billion. Owners get a fireproof box sent to their phone in to send back. Including safety gloves.

4. Fewer bankruptcies in retail

The number of bankruptcies in the Dutch retail sector and will be released this year to the lowest level since 2008, helped by the improving economy. This is reported by the Economic Bureau of ABN Amro in a Tuesday report. The bank estimates that the number of bankruptcies of retailers this year to 500. According to ABN since 2014 recovery in the sector after the large number of bankruptcies in the period between 2009 and 2013. Thanks to the increased purchasing power and consumption take the sales volumes. ABN argues that the outlook for 2017 hopeful.

5. Signrequest best legaltech startup

SignRequest is Tuesday elected the winner of the Legal Tech Startup Award 2016. The startup provides a tool for digital handtkeningen and contract management that the juristerij saving time. In addition SignRequest had Lexoo (a London ‘Uber’ for the legal profession) and LegalThings (cloud-based for the production of contracts) for the final. After pitches chose the visitors of a congress on the legaltech together with a professional jury the winner.

6. And then this: Deo of weed, why not?

What we had not weed? Oh yes: deodorant, and it is no joke that the Rotterdam entrepreneur Mitchell Diercks this think the gap in the market to have found. The AD says Diercks that are deo, Stress Relief baptized, next year comes on the market. Unfortunately for the gourmets: the stick won’t make you stoned. “In the deodorant are all the beneficial substances from the cannabis plant is processed, except of thc, the substance that has the hallucinatory effect causes. The deodorant works stressverminderend if you do it for a long time.”

7. Quote of the day:

To the extent that the Sprout update of Wednesday 12 October. Until tomorrow! Do you miss something or do you just react? Do it on Twitter or Facebook.

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