Thursday, October 6, 2016

Also custom Samsung Note 7 discredited; Americans investigate incident – Volkskrant

A new recall would be a nightmare for the group. Samsung will therefore first examine whether such a new device, before a reaction would show on the new case.

The American research also focuses on the question of whether the one of the replacement instances. The owner of the phone and other occupants of the plane still at the gate stood in the American place Louisville, were not injured. However, burning the smoldering device, a hole in the floor.

At an earlier defect with the battery of the smartphone were worldwide several people are injured. Since then, all 2.5 million copies of the first series of worldwide recalls. The Note 7 was only in a few countries; the Netherlands heard.

Samsung tried in the first instance, all issues aside. “We believe that the heat from outside the battery comes’, the company reported in the course of september in response to the first cases. ‘Probably gave other factors give rise to the heat.’ In South Korean media suggested that the reports of attempts to bring the phone maker from Seoul black. The share of the company made in the past weeks a duikeling on the stock exchange.


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