Thursday, August 27, 2015

‘European’ Samsung Galaxy Note 5 also surfaced on the Samsung website – GSM Helpdesk Netherlands

During the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge + and the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, which on August 13 this year. took place in New York City, Samsung came up with the remarkable news that only the Galaxy S6 Edge + in Europe uigebracht was going to be. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 would not come to Europe because the ultra high-end segment had become too small and Europeans as Samsung would hardly use the S-Pen on the Galaxy Note devices.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge +
In Instead of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 takes the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge + in Europe

In the past week have already surfaced with various sources data and documents showing that there will be a European version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 exists. Among other Bluetooth SIG, the authority FCC and Korean media came earlier this week independently with documents proving the existence of a European Galaxy Note 5 could be derived. This sparked earlier this week as all the rumors that it is possible is one big marketing stunt by Samsung to not release in Europe the Galaxy Note 5 in the first place.

As icing on the cake is the European version of the Galaxy Note now available in five documents on the website of Samsung itself surfaced. Samsung appears to have posted on its website a document called ‘SAR values ​​of the European Galaxy Note 5 are communicated. Manufacturers are required to publish information about the SAR values. SAR values ​​indicate the power of the electromagnetic field is that products generate when transmitting and receiving.

The model number of European smartphones from Samsung usually gets the suffix ‘F’. The model number of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is the SM-N920. The document from the Samsung website is now also called the model number “SM N920F,” indicating a version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for Europe.

The combination of evidence and news to the confusion does nothing to alleviate. Biggest question now is whether Samsung is indeed the Galaxy Note 5 not going to release in Europe, as the company said previously, or that one big marketing stunt has been …

In anticipation of the possible arrival of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Europe, has GSM Helpdesk a comprehensive overview compiled containing all the information, details and specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5.


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