Thursday, December 1, 2016

Samsung makes cause ontvlammende Note 7 to the end of 2016 … –

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was figuratively and literally in flames. After the South Korean company’s devices previously terugriep for an attempt to repair decided the Samsung is a definite point behind the Note 7 to convert. The developer of the Note 7 seems to finally find the cause of the baterijproblemen on the trail.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 experienced a short period of success. When the unit a few months ago its way to the consumer market found that the plane was received with great enthusiasm. Samsung sold worldwide, over 4.3 million Note 7 devices. Not long after the release of the new flagship came the first stories of ontvlammende and even exploding Note 7 devices to the outside. Aircraft were called back and Samsung made an attempt to deal with these problems still to solve. This attempt was of no avail and resulted in the complete cessation of the Note 7.

Samsung is suspicious at first instatie the battery in the Note 7 of these problems. With a second attempt to the Note 7 is still to launch there were other batteries under the hood of the devil’s own hand flagship. Also this combination of Note 7 devices and new batteries turned out to be no good combination. There were new stories out about ontvlammende Samsung Note 7 devices. These incidents forced Samsung to the Note 7 complete stop. Samsung lost this year a lot of turnover due to his devil’s own hand, flagship but the image of the South Korean manufacturer seems to be intact to be preserved.

Samsung has yet no official announcements have been made about the cause of the problem. The company is, however, already a while busy with the investigations into the actual cause behind the ignition of the new flagships. If we have a report from the homeland of Samsung is to be believed, is the actual cause for the end of 2016 with the audience shared. This could ensure that the Note 7 story a fitting end before the Samsung Galaxy S8 its way to the consumer market. It is expected that the new S8 announced during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Samsung announces to tradition, new S-line devices to off during this annual event at the end of February.



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