Samsung, the cause is not yet offiiceel brought out. The company has an internal audit done for the cause of the problems, and has its results now with external researchers shared, reports The Investor.
Samsung promised in november that the company before the end of this year to the outside would occur with more information about the cause of all problems. The results of the Samsung are currently allegedly by external parties to be authenticated.
Not only Samsung, but also authorities in several countries, and independent research institutes have independently of each other, the incidents with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in research. It is clear that the problem originated in the battery of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, but allowing the battery in fire, it is flown or is detonated, it is still not completely clear.
The most likely causes for the debacle with the Galaxy Note 7 to be a design or manufacturing defect in the battery, the battery being damaged during the manufacturing process or damage that occurs during use by the under the influence of heat expand and shrink of the battery during use and charging.
it is Expected that Samsung in the spring of 2017, the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be present. To one hundred per cent confidence to be able to get from consumers must Samsung for that time have clearly what the problems with the Galaxy Note 7 has caused in order to prevent the Galaxy S8 similar problems can get.
The results of the studies are for Samsung also determine whether any components from all of the retrieved Galaxy Note 7 devices reused can be. The recall of Samsung, the company has unprecedented cost a lot of money, and about 4.5 million Galaxy Note 7 devices and all the precious parts are currently unused on the shelf. From cost and environmental point of view, wants Samsung components from the devices can going to reuse.
Watch the complete news feeds around the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in our Samsung Galaxy Note 7 nieuwsdossier.
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