Friday, September 23, 2016

Replacement Galaxy Note 7 devices have their own problems – Android Planet

The Galaxy Note 7-substitution runs up against new problems, because customers complain about too hot devices and rapidly emptying batteries.

Customers in South Korea, which now has a Galaxy Note 7 to get a replacement battery, walk back against problems. Samsung has previously all Note 7-appliances recalled, as by a fabricatiefout could be the battery, namely, catch fire or even explode. A hazardous situation, which, for example, airlines device of their flights have banned. With the replacement batteries, that customers get it now, the problem should be fully resolved. However, will Samsung now of complaints about new problems.

galaxy note 7-replacement

The devices with a replacement battery would be too hot and the battery would quickly lose power. Samsung has confirmed that there are indeed consumers who complain about these problems with the replacement phones, but allows it to be isolated cases which, in principle, at each smartphoneproductie can arise. Samsung says the case, however, good to keep an eye on.

All eyes are now focused on Samsung and the future of the Note 7, so even some complaints are already striking. If it’s here yet again is going to be a new problem, then it is a extra hard time for Samsung.

Galaxy Note 7 in the Netherlands

It takes anyway, it’ll be a while until you get the Note 7 in the Netherlands can buy. Samsung claims that the device at the end of november, available everywhere, but some countries already before the turn. The person who the device is still in the pre-order will have their copy already from October 10, expect. They get for the long wait, there’s even a microsd memory card of 128GB. However, it is for the people to hope that no new problems arise, because then the waiting time is only going to increase.

Read the latest news on Samsung


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