Wednesday, October 12, 2016

‘Replacement Note 7 had another defect than the earlier version’ –

That thinking researchers, says an anonymous source at Bloomberg. Samsung ceased the production and sale of the Note 7 Tuesday permanently, after models of both the first generation as the replacement, and custom second batch of spontaneously into flames.

The problem with the first delivery of the Note 7 would have been caused by the size of the batteries by Samsung SDI are developed. That would be a bit large for the Note 7, and therefore light are pinched, with inflammation as a result.

Samsung explained the production of the Note 7 after the first incident quiet, and switched for new and replacement copies on on batteries of the Chinese ATL.

New errors

At which switching to a different battery would, however, errors in the production line of the Note 7 are slipped, allowing also the replacement copies inflammable bleach. What that problem was exactly, is still unclear.

Both Samsung as the U.s. government still have no official confirmation given about the cause of the ontvlammende phones. The official consumentenwaakhond of the USA does new research into the device after a Note 7 at the beginning of October in a plane caught fire.

Samsung expects to significantly less profit after the debacle around its Note 7. In the third quarter if the problem is expected to 2 billion euros in costs.

Explanation: Problems around flammable Note 7



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